15 Febbraio 201726 pin connector, contact pins, dummy plugs
31 Marzo 2017M-Vision
The simpliest solution
M-Vision is the easiest tool to quickly develop a powerful graphic interface. On the market Many tools exist to build graphical interface, but they are meant for programmers, M-Vision is targeted at everyone.
You can have a simple application running in just 5 clicks.
M-Vision is also powerful, as it includes many built-in functions to manage the features that are most frequently requested in an automotive graphical interface:
- CAN bus communication
- Internationalization
- Alarms
- Parameters
- Counters
- Maintenance
- Trace
- Update packages
And if you need more flexibility, you can implement powerful logics onboard using a powerful yet simple programming language.
M-Vision integrates a dedicated tool to bring together the display with the controllers. This is done by a powerful and extensible code generator that creates embedded code for the controller to exchange informations with the display.
This way it is easy and safe to integrate the display in a large variety of control systems.
M-Vision display runtime is highly optimized to run smoothly on embedded hardware. It also supports power-saving features and always-on functionality.
M-Vision installations count thousands of runtime hours on the field in harsh environments in daily use. This is the best warranty for reliability.
With M-Vision you gain access to more than 10 years of industry-leading expertise in Automotive Human Machine Interfaces. It has installation in Automotive, Marine and Agricultural systems and interfaces with many industry-leading hardware and sensors.
All texts of M-Vision graphical interfaces can be translated usig a translation file. You can include as many as 16 translations in every update so that you can build an unique software for the deployement in different countries.
M-Vision integrates a powerful black box system that can store events inside a secure database. You simply have to graphically configure the alarms names and the triggering condition, the system willl provide you the safe storage, the export in excel from PC and to USB from the display, and also integration with our cloud systems to retrieve them from remote.
Simply follow the configuration graphical interface to add counters or timers and let the M-Vision runtime safely store operation data of your system. You want to store the diesel hours of your machine or how many times a subsystem has been used ? You don’t need a single line of code and M-Vision willl provide you a database, export function and predefined graphical pages to explore historic data on the display or export them on your PC.
If you want the display to remind the user of the maintenance operations of the system, simply enter
the interventions and the interval and the system will calculate the expry date and signal to the user at the right time. The system willl also store a log of performed maintenance to keep an history of the machine.
M-Vision also provide powerful tools for inspecting machine behaviour. Specify key system variables to be logged and a sampling interval. The system will always track the values and, in case of specific trigger events, willl create a log of the systema status bevore, during and after the trigger condition. You can specify what to track and the sampling frequency. Of course, all these data can be exported and seen on your PC.
Update Packages
M-Vision integrates a flexible package creator. It allows you to create deployable packages that can be installed by simply connecting an usb stick to the display. The update package contains consistency check to assure a safe installation even if the update process is interruptad and can be rolled back to a previous software version.
It also allow to prepare Delta updates that contain only parts of the project to keep them compact
Code: 1270101000100 M-VISION LICENSE
15 Febbraio 201726 pin connector, contact pins, dummy plugs
31 Marzo 2017M-Vision
La soluzione più semplice
M-Vision è lo strumento più semplice per sviluppare rapidamente una potente interfaccia grafica. Sul mercato esistono molti strumenti per costruire un’interfaccia grafica, ma sono pensati per i programmatori, M-Vision è mirato a tutti.
Si può avere una semplice applicazione in soli 5 clic.
M-Vision è anche potente, in quanto include molte funzioni integrate per gestire le funzionalità che sono più frequentemente richieste in un’interfaccia grafica per macchina:
- Comunicazione CAN bus
- Internationalizzazione
- Allarmi
- Parametri
- Contatori
- Manutenzione
- Traccia
- Aggiornamenti
E se avete bisogno di maggiore flessibilità, è possibile implementare potenti logiche utilizzando un potente ma semplice linguaggio di programmazione.
M-Vision integra uno strumento dedicato per riunire il display con i controllori. Questo è fatto da un generatore di codice potente ed estensibile che crea codice embedded per il controller di scambiare informazioni con il display.
In questo modo è facile e sicuro integrare il display in una grande varietà di sistemi di controllo.
M-Vision Runtime display è altamente ottimizzato per funzionare senza intoppi su hardware embedded. Supporta inoltre funzioni di risparmio energetico e funzionalità sempre disponibili.
M-Vision conta migliaia di ore di runtime sul campo in ambienti difficili in uso quotidiano. Questa è la migliore garanzia per l’affidabilità.
Con M-Vision si accede a più di 10 anni di esperienza leader nel settore Automotive Human Machine Interfaces. Viene installato su sistemi automotive, marini e agricoli e si interfaccia con molti leader del settore hardware e sensori.
All texts of M-Vision graphical interfaces can be translated usig a translation file. You can include as many as 16 translations in every update so that you can build an unique software for the deployement in different countries.
M-Vision integrates a powerful black box system that can store events inside a secure database. You simply have to graphically configure the alarms names and the triggering condition, the system willl provide you the safe storage, the export in excel from PC and to USB from the display, and also integration with our cloud systems to retrieve them from remote.
Simply follow the configuration graphical interface to add counters or timers and let the M-Vision runtime safely store operation data of your system. You want to store the diesel hours of your machine or how many times a subsystem has been used ? You don’t need a single line of code and M-Vision willl provide you a database, export function and predefined graphical pages to explore historic data on the display or export them on your PC.
If you want the display to remind the user of the maintenance operations of the system, simply enter
the interventions and the interval and the system will calculate the expry date and signal to the user at the right time. The system willl also store a log of performed maintenance to keep an history of the machine.
M-Vision also provide powerful tools for inspecting machine behaviour. Specify key system variables to be logged and a sampling interval. The system will always track the values and, in case of specific trigger events, willl create a log of the systema status bevore, during and after the trigger condition. You can specify what to track and the sampling frequency. Of course, all these data can be exported and seen on your PC.
Update Packages
M-Vision integrates a flexible package creator. It allows you to create deployable packages that can be installed by simply connecting an usb stick to the display. The update package contains consistency check to assure a safe installation even if the update process is interruptad and can be rolled back to a previous software version.
It also allow to prepare Delta updates that contain only parts of the project to keep them compact